Baby Peachick

Baby Peachick
Minutes after Hatching (7/2/10)

Monday, August 16, 2010

What? A Blog?!

This is my very first blog - ever!  Let's see how this goes...

Another Monday!  The kids are off to school, and hubby is at work.  There is much to do - so much of which seems trivial at times.  I pray that the Lord will be glorified even through the "small stuff".  I am thankful for my family, our farm and the many animals I am privileged to care for.  The baby peachicks are growing so quickly!  It's adorable how they follow me around the pens and how they enjoy me talking to them!  Norton and Karen brought over 4 guinea fowl yesterday.  I have to decide whether to raise them with the chickens or peacocks, as they will have to be accustomed to their new surroundings for a while before they can free-range.

Off to the barn!!